
Posts Tagged ‘gang’

Grand Theft Auto 5: Super Mario Trailer

December 18, 2010 2 comments


GTA 5 Super Mario Bros

GTA 5 Super Mario Bros


Fans of Grand Theft Auto 5 and Super Mario Bros will like this new video that combines both of the world’s biggest video games and show your favorite characters in a light never seen before. A gang war between Mario, Luigi, Toad, Yoshi, Peach, and the team of Bowser in the traffic of magic mushrooms. This is GTA 5 Super Mario Bros! This funny video has been directed by Country Club Pictures and realized by GameStation. As you could notice, the weapons, the explosions, the soundtrack, and the language used by the characters are not  appropriate for Nintendo games ^^ It’s just the perfect fit between the Grand Theft Auto world and the Super Mario characters.

Watch Grand Theft Auto 5: Super Mario Bros